Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tropic Thunder review

Tropic Thunder = B
Not a great movie by any means, but it's still pretty funny.
The best part was watching Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise in their respective roles. Both were outstanding and if it were a decent movie of any caliber then I'd imagine both would receive Oscar nominations. As it is, a wacky, off-beat, comedy, their performances will go unnoticed by the Academy.
I was surprised to read Ebert's and Berardinelli's reviews, which were positive, of the movie.

Friday, September 26, 2008

In Search of a Midnight Kiss review

In Search of a Midnight Kiss = A
This movie seemed honest and real to me. I really enjoyed it. It was well-written, well-acted, and beautifully shot in black and white.
Berardinelli and Ebert were spot on.
Berardinelli ....
He (Alex Holdridge, director and writer) is also clearly a keen observer of human nature because the heart of In Search of a Midnight Kiss is how men and women behave toward one another. When it comes to movies, romance is one of the great equalizers: it can form the basis of the most lavish Hollywood productions and the most inexpensive home-made efforts. In Search of a Midnight Kiss may not have cost much to make, but its payoff is huge and the rewards reaped by the viewer are more than worth the price of admission.
Ebert ...
Black and white is the correct medium for this material. Holdridge finds locations that, paradoxically, look just like Los Angeles, but like no part of the city you're ever seen before. A decaying business district is no place to begin a date, but Wilson, who has warmed up, even finds romance in a sign painted on an old building: "Los Angeles Sanitary District 1927."
Saw the movie last night at Keystone Art Cinema. It's one of the best and more memorable movies I've seen this year.

My Best Friend's Girl review

My Best Friend's Girl = B-
Decent movie, but basically just a popcorn, entertaining movie.
Berardenelli hit the nail right on the head.
For a while, My Best Friend's Girl seems to be going in the direction of a full-on black comedy where the words "ever after" are spoken only in reference to the phrase "praying for the end of time" (with apologies to Meat Loaf). Alas, around the halfway point, the film takes a 180-degree turn and tries to follow the formula, reforming the selfish protagonist and proving that true love conquers all. The problem? We still hate the characters and the happy ending feels as much like a cheat as any I have seen all year.
Apparently Ebert didn't review it, and I saw it yesterday at Glendale Mall theater.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nothing but love hate for Microsoft

This is brought to you by this thread.

"The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place." - Douglas Adams

"The court confirmed that consumers were suffering at the hands of Microsoft." - Neelie Kroes

But come on now!! Every one knows that Mac is just as or damn near as venerable to hacking as PC, it just hasn't been shown it's ugly face yet.
I think like 80% of internet users use PC computers to MAYBE (really more like 15%) use Mac. And you wonder why there is a huge ratio of attacks (malware.spyware.virus) on PC compared to MAC??? In part, it's a numbers game.
The bad guys are starting to hit Macs now too. Now, of course nobody wants this. But it is how the World works(kill the King), not just the World of Tech.
Mac has started having some updates just like PC always does. Mac never used to have to worry about this, but thanks to more people using Macs, I believe it has caused more intrest in the hacking community as reguards to Macs.
More users on Mac = More money More Problems. Welcome to the World of Tech Mac!!
It's all numbers. Hackers love numbers it seems.

All false and all myths.
Roughly Drafted Magazine - The Unavoidable Malware Myth: Why Apple Won’t Inherit Microsoft’s Malware Crown
April 1st, 2008
The Malware Market Share Myth.
Does malware development require some threshold of market share before it can exist? Is the malware ecosystem “irreducibly complex” in a way that prevents small pockets of malware from spontaneously developing to exploit smaller markets? If so, this would explain why Apple now has 20% or more of certain markets, but does not have even 1% of the malware market.
Alas, this theory is easy to crush. There have been many examples of thriving malware “serving” minor markets. Back when all computers used floppy disks, and floppies were easy to infect with boot sector viruses, Macintoshes of the Classic Mac OS era carried and transmitted viruses on floppies despite never having more than 8 to 11% of the market. Viruses were around because of a weakness, not because of the Mac reaching a certain market share threshold in popularity.
Even platform targets that are tiny to the point of insignificant are attacked by malware. Specific versions of small minority of Symbian phones were attacked by a Bluetooth virus, not because those models made up 95% of the phone market, but because there was an open flaw in their software that left them vulnerable to attack.
The idea that Apple will inherit Microsoft’s problems is based in the ignorance that Windows’ security problems are rooted in its popularity, rather than its poor architectural design. That is not true, as countless examples of viruses attacking minor platforms attest. Malware targets weakness, not popularity. Windows is plagued with malware, not because it is ubiquitous, but because it is riddled with weaknesses.

Emphasis mine.

Mac=overpriced PC with a presumably better OS. Though since you can't get OS X on anything but a mac without serious hacks, it's a hindrance to truly being better imo.

I then posted Harry McCracken's blog series asking are Macs really more expensive, which he found they aren't

Mid-range laptops
MacBook: $1299 (white case)
Dell XPS M1330: $1287 (including an “instant rebate” of $100)
HP dv4t: $1218.99 (including an “instant rebate” of $100)
Sony VGN-SR190: $1608.99

The MacBook at $1049, gets blown away by the cheapest PC, $599

iMac: $1399 final price ($1474 at MacConnection, plus a $75 rebate; Apple’s list is $1499)
Dell XPS One: $1349 (from, after $300 of those mysterious “instant savings”)
Gateway One: $1359.99 (at Tiger Direct; Gateway’s list is $1499.99)
Sony VGC-LT32E: $1299 (at; “original price” was $1399)

Mac Mini: $699
Dell Studio Hybrid: $678
HP Pavilion Slimline s3500z: $588.99 (after $50 in “instant savings”)
Shuttle XPC X200H: $980

vangvace then responds that one gets less ess hardware for your money with a Mac, and that OS X is flawed, showing cracks now.

That post was so absurd, that I responded in kind.

I was going to point by point refute everything you just posted, but I've come to a realization. Just right now .... You're right. I can't believe I've been wrong about this whole Mac vs. PC argument the whole time. Holy fucking christ, you've really opened my eyes. I think I'll sell my Mac tomorrow even though it's never had one virus, never slowed down, never had a BSOD, does everything I need it too, starts fast, shuts down fast, hasn't overheated, hasn't had one hardware problem, yes the OS has been updated several times, but quite frankly that's been a pain in the ass even though they've been free, and I was so looking forward to something not to work right when I installed an update that things went so smoothy that I was pissed off and took it out on Microsoft and Bill Gates. Thanks vangvace! For all you Apple fanboi's out there check eBay soon I'll be selling my near perfect three-year-old, 12", PowerBook G4. I've only dropped it twice, and it still works perfectly.

vangvace calls me a crybaby.

vangvace ... I agree with you! PC hardware is infinitely better. I remember using PC laptops in Bosnia that constantly crashed, but I'm sure it was just the dirt and mud. Using XP I had several BSODs in an office environment in Baghdad, probably just the sand there. Used several Gateways that crashed all the time, but I'm sure it was because I worked in a basement then.

eva unit zero said he works with both and finds the Macs constantly fail. And that his wife's iBook logic board needed replacing twice in the first year.

Never had a problem with the logic board and I guess I new will because I'll be selling my PowerBook as soon a buy my new PC and get all my files transferred over.
Yep. I can't wait to buy a $599 PC with Vista.
I'm a PC now! Just like Eva Longoria, Deepak Chopra and Tony Parker.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tattoo itchiness

Well my tattoo took about 16 days too stop itching. It was either Tuesday or Wednesday, yesterday, that it really stopped. It seemed longer to be sure. Other than the initial procedure and taking care of it for so long, it hasn't been that bad. In any case I was beginning to think that maybe I was allergic to the ink, or it'd always be itchy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tell No One review

Tell No One = A
Very good French mystery about a doctor whose wife is murdered, yet returns eight year later.
Story was hard for me to follow, but I still enjoyed it very much.
Subtitles. Saw the movie at Keystone Art Cinema.
Ebert really liked it, and I agree with just about everything he wrote.
"Tell No One" will play as a terrific thriller for you, if you meet it halfway. You have to be willing to believe. There will be times you think it's too perplexing, when you're sure you're witnessing loose ends. It has been devised that way, and the director knows what he's doing. Even when it's baffling, it's never boring. I've heard of airtight plots. This one is not merely airtight, but hermetically sealed.
The movie is based on novel, Tell No One. Now I have a book I need to read.

The Dark Knight IMAX review

The Dark Knight IMAX = A
It wasn't any better than the non-IMAX version in my opinion. A handful of sequences were shot in IMAX, so to me it wasn't really worth it. I doubt I'll see another IMAX version of a movie unless the whole movie is shot in that format. I really didn't notice a quality difference either. What I did notice is that it was appreciably louder. Some scenes I thought ear plugs might be handy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Burn After Reading review

Burn After Reading = B
It's a good movie, but not a good Coen brothers movie. I really enjoyed J.K. Simmons' scenes. Brad Pitt's were equally funny. To a slightly lesser degree so was George Clooney's.
Ebert and Berardinelli gave it similar reviews, yet Berardinelli's is pretty much in align with my thinking.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Elegy review

Elegy = A+
Wow, what a fantastic movie. It was well acted, and I really dug the story.
Peter Sarsgaard sounds a lot like John Malkovich to me.
All the acting performances were exceptional. My only criticism is the hand-held camera scenes. They didn't add anything. In fact they were a distraction in my opinion.
Berardinelli liked the movie better than Ebert. I liked it better than both.

More movies to maybe see, which I saw posters of tonight.
In Search of a Midnight Kiss
Rachel Getting Married
The Duchess
Happy Go Lucky
The Last Mistress

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wide walls

It doesn't bother me she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die.
Nobody is feeling the love. It's weird. I expected more; I should learn to expect less.
Two-foot wide walls. Waves can't penetrate.