Friday, September 26, 2008

My Best Friend's Girl review

My Best Friend's Girl = B-
Decent movie, but basically just a popcorn, entertaining movie.
Berardenelli hit the nail right on the head.
For a while, My Best Friend's Girl seems to be going in the direction of a full-on black comedy where the words "ever after" are spoken only in reference to the phrase "praying for the end of time" (with apologies to Meat Loaf). Alas, around the halfway point, the film takes a 180-degree turn and tries to follow the formula, reforming the selfish protagonist and proving that true love conquers all. The problem? We still hate the characters and the happy ending feels as much like a cheat as any I have seen all year.
Apparently Ebert didn't review it, and I saw it yesterday at Glendale Mall theater.

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