Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Economy hurts, turn to open source software

Read an interesting article today about the bad economy and computer software prices.
When the Stock Market Gives you Lemons, You Make Lemonade
Facing tough times? Now might be a good time to turn to Open Source.

Jason Perlow, who wrote the article, made some good points.
So if your Windows XP system is getting clunky with age – like my wife’s old PC was — why not forget purchasing some new Core 2 Quad 4GB Vista PCs for a year, and look into refurbishing your 2 or 3-year old systems with a free, feature rich, and less resource-intensive Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or OpenSUSE? Instead of Microsoft Office, why not run OpenOffice? Set up a file, web or database server with CentOS or Debian. Do you need a virtualization solution? Check out VMWare ESX 3i or investigate KVM and OpenVZ, with a solution like ProxMox.
Sure, we all want the economy to return to a stable and growing state, and we want to be able to improve our business and personal computing infrastructure. But in the meantime, we can all breathe easy that in terms of software, Open Source and Linux has us covered.
My friend at work was going through the same problems with his XP machine. He made the switch to Ubuntu and hasn't looked back.

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